There are a number of people wandering around Maddie’s when I first arrive, but I find time to meet a pretty 4 year old named Chill. She’s a big long hair tabby and white, fluffy and wide eyed, a Maine Coon mix. Her eyes look scared, but she quickly hops down with a confident and friendly squawk, and claims my lap.
She purrs and appreciates some petting, but stays alert. I get the distinct impression that she’s missing her people, and waiting for them to show up here and take her back home. As my boy did earlier, I try to get her to just relax with me and enjoy our time together.
Next up, a socializing visit with Lulu, a pretty calico senior lady who’s been here for awhile. Lulu takes her time to establish one’s credentials. She likes to sniff everything, and she’ll allow herself to be petted all in good time, at her pace, of course. (She came from the Sido program, and whoever adopts her will get 2 free years of medical care.)
Midway through our visit, a staffer appears with an elderly couple. The lady turns out to be Lulu’s former guardian, who had to give her up due to failing eyesight. It’s wonderful to meet her, and for them to get reacquainted. Once the lady, who’s a bit frail, is seated, Lulu cautiously approaches for some gentle petting. They’ve brought a bag of her old toys, and she’s clearly familiar with these scents, sniffing eagerly. I describe how Lulu’s adjusted to Maddie’s, and how lots of volunteers see her regularly and appreciate her quirks.
The couple tell me about adopting her here, many years back, and we exchange calico cat stories. The lady seems happy and sad both, glad to be with the cat and relieved that she’s doing well, but missing her terribly. Heartrending to have let her go, but obviously it was in everyone’s best interest.
Lulu herself is kind of overwhelmed. I stay in the room with her after the couple make their way back out and toward the exit. It’s not till a few minutes after they’ve left that she climbs onto my lap, more cuddly than I’ve ever seen her, and lovingly burrows her head by my arm.
In other news... just posted up my new e-book. It's free to download here:
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