All quiet at Maddie’s, at least as far as earthquake jitters. After making sure no one needs help, I seek out my new favorite, Amelie, for a socializing visit. She’s a 4 year old tabby/torbie, a delicate, sweet and lovely green eyed girl. Her approach is at first tentative, then trusting, as she steps carefully onto my lap. There’s something about her – maybe she reminds me of the cat I briefly co-companioned in my 20s, maybe it’s just an intangible – but I particularly enjoy our time together.
I help an eager young woman who’s here to adopt her first adulthood cat. We start with a feisty young tabby, who seems like a good match for an active household. But she doesn’t want to rush things, and I applaud her for that. We check out a kitten and a few more outgoing youngish cats. Part of her falls in love with every kitty in the place. But soon she decides that first one really was it, and, grinning ear to ear, heads to the adoption desk.
I chill with another young calico sweetie. We’re just getting comfortable when a medical technician makes a house call down the hall (not sure who's facing the doc, but I think it's chubby cheeked former feral Spenser). The ensuing snarling and yowls set the whole hall on edge, with worried feline faces framed in every doorway. Marguritte retreats to her perch, momentarily hissy at the sight of my hand.
I ease down to sit below, talking in a soothing voice and assuring her everything’s okay now. She stays wary, but soon hops down for another round of petting. Her ears remain alert though; she’s not quite ready to fully relax.
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