Seems like a nice cat philosophy. An excellent day for a cat is the regular routine of food, napping in sunshine and cuddles – no need to dress up and go somewhere new and crowded and loud.
Good news at Maddie’s – my boy Buster found a home, and Tubby’s got an adoption pending sign up. Happy for them, and hoping people will come along and see the precious qualities of other favorites like little Itchy. I visit with her, glad to see she no longer hides but launches out immediately for petting.
There’s another shy sweetie in hallway 2, Carmelita. She’s a dainty little 7 year old tortie and white girl, who tends to stay curled in her hiding spot. But she’s alert and her pretty yellow eyes track my every move. She’s anxious to be petted, poking her head out toward my hand and flexing her teensy white toes. I coax her out stand next to me, marching in place and head butting my hand, squirmy and affectionate.
A pair of young women who look like sisters stop and coo at her cuteness. But they’re exclaiming over every cat they see and rushing from door to door. I move next door to meet Meemers, another sweet and charming shy girl. She’s a younger and bigger dill tortie, who makes good eye contact, urging me to pet her as she lolls next to me.
I chat with a woman making her first visit to Maddie’s. She’s impressed with the size of the place and the comfortable cat condos. She wants to know how long we keep the cats here, having noticed that cute tabby Mika came in January. As long as it takes, sometimes months, I tell her, noting the usual pattern of younger and more outgoing and/or cute ones going home first.
She comments again on how quiet and calm both place and the cats in it seem. She’s just starting to consider getting another cat after her last one died, and I tell her she’s welcome to just look around. As soon as she’s ready, we’ll have a whole selection of cats here just waiting to establish a comfortable routine with their new humans.
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