You see funny stuff too, out and about in the middle of the day. Coming from the local market earlier, I happened upon a pretty pair of police horses, along with their handlers and vehicle. (This story doesn’t have an ending – got any idea why there were horses on Bosworth? It’s pretty far off the Bay to Breakers route.)
Anyway, good news at Maddie’s – long timer Spider Monkey found a home at last. There are a couple new kitties in his old hallway. Little black and white Silverbell was just recently surrendered and looks like she’s missing her people. She’s only 3, with a cute nose stripe between yellow eyes, and thick soft fur. She greets me with a concerned squawky meow, and circles, rubbing and head butting my hand. She turns a full somersault and lands on her back, paws kneading up in the air, appreciative of every moment we spend together.
Pretty Gem watches from across the hall. She’s a petite medium hair tabby girl with comically big paws and slightly mottled gray and tan striping. A young man clomps noisily down the hall and looks in, and Gem goes right up to the door to flirt with him. Good get adopted behavior; I reward her with a little extra petting.
Later, I spot a woman whom I instantly identify as a cat person. I’m pleased when she asks to see Peaches, a wonderful senior tortie girl, saying she’s interested in finding an older cat. She has an older cat at home, and they recently lost a beloved second old cat. Both are bereft, and her cat seems terribly lonely. As we sit and pet Peaches, who lounges comfortably between us, she tells me more about the deceased cat, and the painful loss.
We go meet Zoey, a sweet 15 year old calico princess. Zoey quickly warms up to both of us, and the woman scoops her into her lap. I don’t think Zoey’s ever looked less dignified, but she basks in the attention. I’m disappointed, but not that surprised, when the woman says she’s not ready to make a decision yet. She really just popped in spur of the moment, she confesses, in the neighborhood with spare time while dropping off a friend.
I urge her to come look around whenever she wants to, or to take a look at the website for potentially suitable partners. Unfortunate but true, we almost always have several senior kitties available for adoption. She takes off. But I’m pretty sure she’ll be back one day soon.
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