I check in and see that Kitter and Sammy have been adopted (yay for old cats in new homes!). A number of people are just window shopping, including what appears to be a whole pre-school class.
A friendly young man is interacting with Shalimar through her window. He’s got a guy-on-lunch-break vibe, but is happy to go in and meet her in person. Shalimar is an active, expressive three year old tortie who turns on the charm as soon as we enter her space. She rubs, meows, practically dances between us anxious for petting and ready to play.
The guy gets his cat fix, thanks me, and leaves. Shalimar stays by her door ready to snare another customer. I watch from across the hall as a sweet little girl in a sailor dress comes tiptoeing into the hallway followed by her dad. She crouches at each doorway, narrating the cats’ activities. Shalimar rubs the door, arching up as if she’s being petted even with the door between them.
It’s like cute little girl day today – towards the end of my shift another sweet little girl comes prancing into hallway 4 with her mom. They ask to see a brand new pair of Siamese kittens. I’m a little skeptical – these are shy kittens and the girl is young. But they both assure me they know how to act around animals.
Indeed they do. We all sit, quietly talking, and wait for the kittens to approach. They’re looking for a quiet cat companion for the cat at home who recently lost her good buddy. There are also a couple dogs in the house. But the mom cuddles one of the kittens and the girl entertains me with a barely coherent monologue about all the animals at home.
She knows to talk softly, but she keeps cracking herself up and giggling into her hand. She wiggles a toy around, urging the kittens to play and bouncing with delight when one of them extends a paw towards it.
I watch the shy little kitten. This new household will be quite a challenge for her. But she’ll be growing up with a very sweet little friend.
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