And their ear shattering roar absolutely terrifies animals. Even the mellowest look anxious, and a more sensitive animal can really freak out from the noise. My Muppy used to hide for hours after the air shows, even from just a couple fly overs. I feel my own blood pressure rise. It boggles my mind that people come from out of town for this. If you want to see people doing amazing things in formation, check out some synchronized diving.
Not surprisingly, the shelter is fairly empty of potential adopters. I do help a polite and soft spoken couple who are checking out the kittens, and who seem at least close to making a final decision. Otherwise, only a few people wander around just looking at the cats.
I tell myself I’m mostly here to comfort the cats this soon to be noisy day. But it goes both ways. Sammy, a ridiculously sweet and friendly plus pretty 12 year old silver tabby, gets me laughing and forgetting the outside world. He stands at the door meowing until I go in to see him. Then he rubs around possessively, purring and squirming onto my lap, and gazing up adoringly. Next comes his signature move: he reached both paws up, one on each shoulder, and rubs his face around my chin and neck.
It’s funny and sweet and, well, a little disturbing because he’s been drooling. But what a nice boy. Then he slowly sinks back down my chest to my lap, stray fur and a bit of drool trailing on my apron, and settles happily, looping his pretty striped tail around my arm.
Sammy is calm and content, purring softly, his little mouth curved into what looks like a smile. Another hour at least before the planes start up. It’s not that the air shows are the only bothersome thing around. Animals in a shelter are nervous anyway, and cats in general tend to be a bit on edge. I mean, it’s too bad so many of them are here in the first place.
But for now, Sammy and I sit and enjoy the quiet.
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