It feels funny to go about one’s business despite crises underway to the north and south, but that’s what I do. Good news at Maddie’s – sweet girls Maggie and Jill found homes.
I help a man who, with his adult daughter, is seeking a companion for his lonely current cat. She does most of the talking as we visit a couple friendly tabby girls. The man seems more focused on the prices – why it’s cheaper for cats 7 and older, and why the prices have gone up from last year. I try to explain about the glut of strays we’d had, but none of us want an economics discussion. And cats aren’t exactly market commodities anyway.
But here’s a real bargain: there’s a bonded pair of a cat and dog available for $150. I can’t resist peaking in on them, though they’ve had a steady stream of visitors. The cat is 3 year old Action Jackson, a fine, solid, super mellow mostly white dude. His devoted companion is a tiny tan 1 year old Chihuahua named Danny Boy, who’s not even half the cat’s size. He’s got big mismatched ears and an eager expression, and he skitters around in a frenzy at the site of me.
I don’t know much about dogs, but when Danny hops in my lap to cuddle while AJ wanders coolly for a head rub next to me, I’m thinking this isn’t quite a normal dog. Seriously cute though. He fetches a fuzzy toy bone and zips back to my lap while the cat lounges. They curl up together once I’ve left the room, and I admire a series of photos of cat/dog lovin’. Apparently there was some concern about just where to house these two, as the cat and dog areas of the shelter are purposely kept apart.
I move on to assist some more people before my head explodes from the sheer adorableness. Two different young adults check out a cat then snap a photo to show absent partners. In each case, I urge bringing them by in person. There’s only so much you can tell even during a face to face meeting here, but much less just from a snapshot.
I spend some time with Itchy, a small 7 year old black and white girl who’s cuter than her name and photo. She’s got kind of odd markings, pretty green eyes and chewed looking ears. She’s super shy and hisses at first, so I figure it’ll take awhile to lure her out. But she quickly makes friends, and soon she’s a little love bug, rolling around next to me, purring, kneading and rubbing. Didn’t see that coming either, but I’m glad for both of us – hope she warms up as quickly with everyone she meets.
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