A young couple are interested in a darling 4 month old former feral tabby. They bring a friend in to meet her, and show me a picture of their super cute little cat-friendly dog, whose best pal they hope she’ll become.
They head off to the front, excited about their new kitten, and I visit Big Mac, a friendly 8 year old all black cat. I’m not usually a fan of corporate fast food names for animals, but his name suits him. He’s inquisitive and sweet, big of course, with a good solid head butt and near constant purr. He’s FIV positive, but in good health. I sit and pet him, and he gently paws my hand to keep the pets coming when my attention wanders.
It’s understandable, but a little frustrating, that some cats find homes so much faster than others. Some wonderful animals (just like people!) are on the mature side, or have health issues or personality quirks. But they can still make great companions.
I chat with a woman who’s showing her friend around. Both have cats already, but we enjoy the flirtatious behavior of Topaz, a cutie who’s newly arrived from Yolo County. She’s in a shared condo, and soon an adorable tabby roomie is hand delivered from upstairs.
I check in on Sissy and Zac, who reside next door. They seem a little down; Zac utters his plaintive high pitched meow and I’m not sure what he wants. His old home back, probably.
Not long later, a nice older woman asks to see Punn Punn, the new tabby boy next door. She’s got an opinionated 13 year old kitty at home, and recently lost her second cat. She wants someone young, playful and friendly, who won’t be intimidated by other cats. It doesn’t take long for her to decide that he’s the one.
I’m glad for him, and for pretty playmate Topaz, whom I expect will find a home this weekend. I mean Punn Punn got adopted within a couple hours of arriving on the main floor, and that’s great and not at all surprising. Just wish for good homes for the harder to place kitties too.