My first visit is to Spider Monkey, a lithe mostly brownish black 12 year old fellow with an appropriately long graceful tail. He’s got pretty green eyes, a cute little white spot on his chest, and a friendly, inquisitive manner. He’s chatty and affectionate, rubbing around and leaning into my hand as I pet him. His condo has an outside window, and he likes to interact with passersby. But the precious fellow seems a little listless and sad too. He really needs a Valentine sweetheart.
There’s a new kitty, Manicure, who’s similar both in looks and demeanor. This guy is much younger though, and bigger and sleeker. He meows in greeting, and again as he weaves around, hopping on and off my lap. He’s physically affectionate, with a strong head butt. But his cry is a bit forlorn, and he keeps looking and sniffing around, clearly missing somebody from his former life, poor guy.
It’s pretty slow for most of my shift. I chat with a woman who’s interested in volunteering, and a couple with a cute little kid. Sweet girl Maggie gets some extra lap time, and I’m amused by Stella’s playful antics. (For reasons unknown, she likes to paw around in her water dish.)
I’m close to leaving when a woman asks to see Carolina, a gorgeous and playful young gray kitty. She’s already met her and made up her mind, but just wants to check in to be sure. And I find myself reminiscing again about my boy’s homecoming. What an exciting and special day that was for both of us. We’re so used to each other now, but I well remember those first days of learning each others' little quirks. Gaudy red hearts notwithstanding, can’t argue with love.
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