But I missed my boy. After a few days apart, even jack rabbits and random small dogs reminded me of him. I always like the moment of homecoming from these trips. The boy was thrilled at our reunion, and followed me as I unpacked, trying to keep his head as close to my head as possible.
The city seems particularly urban and crowded now, 16th Street on the way to Maddie’s teeming with people and cars. But glad to be back in time for my volunteer shift. I start out with 4 year old Oreo, a big lanky guy. He’s black and white, of course, with an endearing combo of being shy and eager for attention. He’s talkative and energetic, and dances around rubbing and uttering comically high pitched cries. Then he gobbles some food and plays vigorously, but finally relaxes by my side – so sweet.
Across the hall is a beautiful young Siamese mix named Shanti. He’s also shy and cuddly, with soft fur and blue eyes that gaze up at me adoringly. He climbs onto my lap and arches back, enjoying a gentle belly rub. A young couple ask to see a group of kittens. We establish that they’re experienced cat people as we get acquainted with a litter of shy sweeties. Each slightly favors a different kitten, and they thoughtfully negotiate, pointing out good qualities. I can see where this is headed, but wait for them to decide on getting them both.
There are a couple older women who are touring around, reading about each cat and admiring them all, and I answer a couple questions. They’re not here to adopt, but are having a good time reminiscing about all kinds of cats they’ve known.
I settle in with Oreo Cookie, the big 10 year old dedicated lap girl. It’s peaceful and quiet, warm with her sprawled across my legs. I think about how nice it was to wake up at home this morning. Wishing the same for this middle-aged gal.
(ps – just wanted to put in a plug for The Petsitters (415) 648-7387 - Elaine is great, and has been tending my various cats for many years)
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