I thought about the nature versus nurture thing over at Maddies, visiting pretty tabby and calico sisters Bertha and Lacy. They are strikingly similar in looks, and tend to follow each other around, doing the same cute things (like sitting and pawing their door when people pause there – so adorable!). But even so, Bertha is a bit bigger and friskier, and Lacy more lovey dovey. How’d that happen?
A group of young women rush over to admire them, and though I don’t speak the language, it’s clear they’re discussing their how awesomely cute they are. But it’s a tough season for these sweeties – they’re little, adorable and kittenish, but actually 2 year olds, and people into little and cute often go for the under 6 month set.
A couple ask to see Sassy, a lovely soft all black 9 year old with emerald green eyes. She’s a bit of an escape artist, and darts past me into the hall. But once she’s corralled back in her room, she rubs between us sweetly. They’ve recently lost a beloved cat, and they’re still getting over that – want to be around some felines and will adopt again when the time is right. We chat about cats from our pasts, and the goofy/lovable/unique habits they had.
I stay on with Sassy when they leave to prevent another escape, and she flatters the pair by planting herself at the door meowing after them as they move down the hall. A couple young men wander by, but Sassy’s given up on the door and is back bumping my hand with her head for pets.
I talk to another couple who are testing out the guy’s possible allergies. Apparently he’s had mild reactions to cats before and just put up with it. But we agree it wouldn’t be so good for him every day. I hope it works out for him – he seems nice and they both obviously like cats.
A young woman asks about meeting a cute 3 month old orange tabby boy. He sits shyly away from us at first, but then starts playing and racing around. She decides he would be too active for the calm cat she already has. And I can see that if I hung out with him for awhile, his personality would start to emerge. More important, whoever takes him home will get to watch it develop, along with the blossoming of their own sweet and unique relationship.
**** happy Independence Day... please keep your pets indoors! ****
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