Too nice for cat shopping, apparently; Maddie’s is slow. I’m pleased to see my boy Mago out of hiding and eager for a visit. We cuddle for a bit, then I help a pair of sisters who are looking for a companion to an older but playful cat.
Bonded pair Rory and Crowley catch my eye. Rory’s a big tabby and white 7 year old with the daintiest little meow. Crowley is a smaller 6 year old, all gray with green eyes and oddly clipped ears. They’re both a bit shy, and sweetly dote on each other. Crowley slides into my lap, just barely purring as I stroke his delicate chin. Then Rory clambers up beside him. There’s not quite enough room, so four paws and two heads drape over one leg, while two tails dangle off the other. They’re the sweetest ready made family.
I check in on another sweet boy, Romeo. He’s a young, super soft black and white long hair who quickly loses his shyness. He purrs loudly, hopping on and off my lap and offering kisses and nose rubs. This fluffy tailed sweetie is aptly named – all ready to fall in love. He collapses happily into my lap, and when I get distracted, politely tugs on my arm with his paw.
A young woman has been circling around, carefully checking out a number of cats. She’s looking for someone friendly and outgoing, to blend with her roommates and their two dogs. We check out Chaka, who’s charming and friendly, climbing eagerly onto her lap. I’m hopeful that Chaka could hold her own at least, or possibly rule the roost.
But she’s got a number of cats in mind, and bemoans how difficult it is to choose. I can’t argue with that. All of our precious kitties need windows of their own.
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