But once there, he was reasonably tolerant with the doctor, staff, and even a friendly dog in the lobby. (This was a marked change from my last kitty, who was a third of his size but an unholy terror at the vet’s, and would never in a million years have allowed herself to be unceremoniously hauled room to room tucked under the doctor’s arm.)
He’s the Love Bug personality type – initially shy but sweet and lovey once he’s comfortable with somebody. Maddie’s hallway 2 has a whole row of Love Bugs – little black and white Duchess, gentle all black Beatrice, and a new favorite, Carrie. I sit quietly with each of them, and encourage them to try a few licks of food. (Montana had been scared and not eating when he was at the shelter, something which amused the vet after he weighed in at 19 pounds.)
Carrie’s a sweet long haired super soft 2 year old tortie, barely visible at first. But once I sit posing no threat, she pokes her head then body out with a series of expressive cries. She rubs and purrs as I pet her, but stays alert and a bit nervous. She chases a toy too before winding around for more petting. Meeting my eye, she lurches up to rest her paws on my shoulder and nuzzle my hair.
I’m sorry to leave her, but there are more cats to see and people to help. Unfortunately she goes back to hiding once I’ve left. Friendly twelve year old Pookie, a short hair tortie down the hall, does a better job of selling herself, sitting up at her window and rubbing her head toward passersby.
I talk to a man who lost his 15 year old cat this summer and is just starting to look around, and a couple hoping to find a kitten who won’t make noise at night. I’m afraid I’m more helpful to the former. Some things are pretty much in a young cat’s nature.
I’m disappointed to see Bruno, the charming soft black and white boy, back. Guessing he had trouble getting along with a resident cat; he’s kind of an attention grabber. He’s sweet and affectionate and playful with me, and stands at his door meowing and seeking someone else to bond with after I go. Probably he’s a delight to take to the vet.
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