Maddie’s hallway 2 offers a fine variety of these pretty cats. Bernie and Nicholas are cute, playful, skinny young brown tabbies with white bellies and paws. They look like brothers but are just pals who hang out and mostly get along ok.
At the end of the hall is little Sharyn, a delicate, sweet faced, slightly fussy ten year old orange gal with a white bib and toes. She’s been here for awhile, and gone from being shy to a bit demanding of attention from passersby. She meows, circles, purrs, and rubs around me. Definitely trying to get a message across, though I can’t tell if it’s about taking her home or just bringing her some kibble.
A group of adults and kids tumble into the hall, startling her for a moment, but she quickly regains her composure. The kids aren’t very interested in or sensitive about their surroundings, and one of them whines loudly to go see puppies. Sharyn barely gives them a glance, and bats a toy around instead, meowing as she plays. Across the hall, young Nicholas stands up, paws on his window, watching us intently.
Next up is Chester, a funny, short limbed, cuddly brown tabby. He loves visitors and wants to swoon across my lap, chase a toy, and nibble his food all at the same time. A pair of nannies holding up toddlers appear at the window. I dangle the toy up there so he’ll go after it, and his antics amuse the kids. Although they’re also pretty fascinated by the cat video squirrels on the TV too. They soon leave, one of the young women exclaiming that it’s time for a diaper change, as if that’s all part of their fun day.
Two different pairs of men stroll by, reading about the cats and discussing size and breeds and markings – but none of them want to meet any of the cats in question.
Not a problem – gives me extra time to get to know a new sweet little orange tabby girl, Kiwi. She’s super scared, and gives a tiny hiss when I enter her room. But soon pokes her head out, and when she decides I’m ok, creeps trustingly into my lap and leans there sweetly. She darts away to hide at pretty much any noise, but I can tell she’ll get braver as the days go by. Sharyn could give her a lesson. I just sit and wait for her to reappear, and enjoy the peace and quiet.
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