The TVs in the cat condos are fancier than what we watched back then. But for all the technology now, I wouldn’t trade the wonder of having lived through that era.
Speaking of low gravity, I’ve got a customer wanting to meet kittens as soon as I arrive at Maddie’s, an older woman who’s recently lost an old cat. We squeeze in with three goofy two month olds. As she coos and tries to draw out a shy little black and white girl, the more active brother launches himself onto my leg and starts climbing my jeans as if I’m a tree. The third kitten bounces between us, emitting teensy squeaks.
She needs to think it over, and I urge her to take her time, that this is a big commitment. Then a young couple specifically want a gray cat. I show them a newly arrived gorgeous but shy Himalayan mix, who purrs, cries, and hides all at the same time. Not helping her own cause and too timid for them, but she’s young and cute and I expect her to get snapped up soon.
I hang out with Luigi, the more mellow guy next door. He’s a dignified, lanky black and white 8 year old, with large eyes and a soulful expression. He leans on me, rubbing, as I talk to him, and circles around to also rub across my back. But my voice has alerted the cat in the adjoining condo that there’s a human nearby, and he starts up a loud chorus of meows.
Their window is blocked, but the sound carries. I go silent and just pet Luigi, who stares back at me, seeming a bit put upon, but understanding. He’s a smart guy. He’s just waiting for the right person to come along, take that first step with him.
Around the corner, I check out the noise maker. There are two charming cats housed together, both striking looking but of mismatched temperaments. Hunter is the loud guy. He’s a pretty long haired tabby, newly arrived, and bound and determined to tell the world all about it.
His roomie is Chaka, a darling long hair orange Persian mix. She’s clearly a princess, despite her little ET face. She steps delicately across my lap and graciously accepts my petting and admiration. But when Hunter, who’s also eager for attention, steps too close, she hisses and bats him away. We all know who’s boss here, so I coax Hunter away and pet him on the sly.
A young woman asks to meet Chaka, but as she’s getting acquainted, a staffer hurries in to say that someone else is starting the process to adopt her. The woman leaves, disappointed, but this is good news for both cats. I look back over at Luigi, who’s sitting patiently on a small cushion. He’s more average looking and sounding, but I know he’ll make someone a good companion.
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