It's been a week of firsts, with my new guy at home. My first work day, his first full meal (handled fine), first disagreement – that it's not ok to wake me for a knead my hair and neck session at 4 am – and first visitor. These two, he didn't like, but has bounced back. Friday, bye to Tana and back to Maddy's for my regular shift, with a renewed sense of what a big deal pet adoption can be.
Although she's tan level, I visit Venus. She's came in with the same group as Montana, and I'm curious as to her behavior, and whether they're related. No DNA testing, but I'm going to say yes. She's got similar coloring and build, as well as similar personality traits. Initial shyness followed by head strong love, jumpiness from noise, the happy feet march. She's quite a drooler too (he's not, I'm just as glad to note) and I bet she does the cold-nose-on-the-neck-in-the-night thing too.
Nature vs. nurture? Would they have developed the same shy ways if living apart, just as they're destined to be short legged and plump? Perhaps like adult siblings now living different lives, they'll only be recognizable as genetically linked by their appearance.
A young straight couple who have been touring the hallway ask to come meet her. Venus crouches, nervous, looking away and no longer purring. The woman approaches gently, her voice and manner soft. Venus allows her some petting as she explains they have a very shy cat at home and hope to bring her a sister. She thinks life could be better at home for both her and the cat this way. I tell her about how Venus has lived with other cats and that two shy girls could pair up well. She further adds that there's also a one year old baby in the house, who's fond of the shy cat and likes to talk baby talk to her while she's hiding under furniture. (Maybe the cat's always been shy, but maybe it's just going to take a few years till the child has outside interests. I don't want to bum her out by saying so.) Oh and also, the guy -- who's been standing back silent and not interacting with Venus -- has some allergy issues. She invites him to pet her, which he does half heartedly, while she and I observe how soft and cute the big cat is.
The woman says she thinks Venus might be too nervous for their family, and they should look around some more. The guy nods silently and follows her into the hallway. I'm thinking, it'll take more than a feline sister to fix this household.
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