Maddie’s is a cheerful place on a gloomy day. Holiday crowds gone and just a few people checking out the cats. I pay a nice long visit to Egon, a shy pretty tabby and white boy. Noises worry him, but once he relaxes he's such a sweet and happy boy. He'll make his new people glad to have him every day, I predict.
A middle aged couple appear, pointing out different cats, conversing in quick little phrases of a pair long together and comfortable with each other. They’ve recently lost the second of a pair they’d had since kittenhood. Since the kids still lived at home – they joke about how quiet the house is now, but I know none of us really think it’s funny.
They just want to look around. They’re thinking of getting an adult cat, or maybe two. They know they need some time to pass first, but he had the day off, she works from home, some primal need just drew them to the shelter. And I’m happy to bring them in to meet a few of our sweet kitties, and just observe the simple expressions of pleasure that come from petting and cuddling with them.
It’s fine that they don’t pick their cats yet – I’m confident that they’ll be back. I move on to answer some questions from a young woman and two little children. They’re interested in cats and dogs both, the littler girl squirming in excitement about seeing the dogs. The mom rolls her eyes. Sooner or later one or more pets will be joining this household, she says, laughing.
Another happy household. And looking around at the shy and inquisitive faces peaking out from the condos, I can envision many more of these to come.
I’m signing off the blog again. The powers that be at SFGate have stopped running it (with not so much as a warning, thanks guys), and maybe I’m running out of superlatives for my feline friends. I’ll still be here though. And you can get your online cat fix here: . Thanks for reading!