Right off the bat, I help a friendly but no nonsense woman with a specific type of cat in mind. Her husband is recovering from a stroke, and wishes for a shy and cuddly tabby to keep him company. We check out two possibilities. She's leaning toward sweet and pretty Aurora, who totally fits the bill, and heads to the front to finish her paperwork.
A woman and her grandson are anxious to go see Fanta, a lovely mostly black 6 month old. Turns out she fostered him as a kitten, and she's worried that he's lonely and scared all alone in his condo. He does seem shy at first, but as they descend on him with coos and cuddles, he warms up and rubs between all three of us, purring. Although she's worried that his shyness is preventing him from being adopted, he's only been on the floor for a week.
I continue on to socialize with a bonded pair, Domino and Checkers, for whom shyness is not an issue. Domino dominates, head butting, rubbing and purring, while Checkers circles, competing for petting. Both these sweet girls have been declawed, but they play as if they're claws are just fine, making the best of their situation.
Across the hall, lovely 10 year old Cherokee is flirting with a pair of guys in the hallway. I ask if they want to meet him but they say no, they've already picked out another cat. They leave, as if afraid they'll be tempted to bring home the whole hall full of cats. Chekokee's prior owner died, and he's clearly missing his home. But he's good at making new friends - I'm instantly charmed. He rubs around and belly flops, luxuriating in having his soft fur stroked. Then he curls like a rag doll into my lap, happy and relaxed.
I feel bad breaking it to him that we won't be spending the rest of the day lounging together. He's a special boy who needs a new situation. Even as I shut the door to his condo, his cat face seems to have a smile. He's got a positive attitude, much like the lady from earlier, who's focused on her husband's recovery.
I peak back into that hallway, and am happy to see that Aurora is already gone, and formerly shy Fanta is right up at his door, ready to flag down his new people.