There’s a good volunteer to customer ratio, so I spend extra time with sweet boy Moey. He’s a solid 7 year old long hair smoke black fellow with a soft white undercoat. He greets me with a perky meow, then circles, purrs, and gazes adoringly at me with his pretty yellow eyes. I pet him up and down that luxurious coat as he leans into my side. I can’t convince him to play, although we can hear wiry tabby Penny skittering around by herself down the hall. Moey’s been here a few months, and he knows the routine, meowing his objections when I stand to leave. He’s just waiting for someone mellow, slow moving and quiet to call his own.
There’s another cat who’s got a similar Felinality rating, but is much more reticent. Star is a delicate young tabby and white girl. Her paperwork says she’s getting used to trusting people again after her dental work. She’s aware of my presence, but stays firmly hidden in her box. Still, she accepts gentle petting when I contort myself into position to reach her. She curls up – not asleep, but a little more relaxed. I’m hoping she’s one of those kitties who suddenly bloom once she’s finally found the perfect people.
A woman with a cute little girl stand at her door, unable to spot her, and I explain about her shyness. A young couple approach, the guy speaking with a slight European sounding accent, the woman mostly silent. They want to meet Bee, a new cute little tabby. She starts out shy, peeking adorably from the top of her perch, but quickly hops down and revels in the young woman’s attention. Though they’re clearly melting over this sweet cat, the guy confesses that despite filling out a survey, they can’t actually have a cat where they live. The woman nods, blinking back tears.
He apologizes for taking my time. But I point out that sweet Bee enjoyed having company. I motion to the other people walking the halls, and assure them that someone will take give this cat a good home. And that eventually, they’ll find themselves in a place where they can bring home a cat of their own.