Aptly named Sweetie Pie draws me in by making eye contact from her window. She’s a pretty, green eyed, all gray medium hair 3 year old from the Sonoma batch. She stays alert, but goes from cautious to cuddly before long, and stands next to me, rubbing her head around my shoulders.
I invite in a woman who’s been watching, mesmerized, from the hallway. She explains that she and her husband lost a very similar looking cat last summer. She expounds upon Russian Blue virtues, among them extreme loyalty to a special human. Her husband got the royal treatment, she tells me, adding that she thinks it would be too painful for him if she brought home such a visual match.
That’s the plan – she’s going to select the next cat, or hopefully pair of cats, and bring them home; he’ll roll with it. Everything indicates that these two are long and happily married, so whatever works… but, wow, that’s not how I’d do it.
Across the hall, longer term resident Tina Marie instigates a wild play session with herself. She’s more like the gal who’s quirky in looks and personality and is only later revealed to be a princess in disguise. She’s a long legged 8 year old unique looking calico, with a dark splotch on her nose and a white patch down her back.
She’s not into other cats, which has not surprisingly made her stay here challenging. One on one though, I like hanging out with Tina Marie. She sniffs around, enjoys carefully attended to petting, and maintains a strong steady purr, at least until play time. Smart but bored, is how her kennel card describes her. Definitely a cat who lets you know how she’s feeling. I imagine she’s the type who would both figure out and make her displeasure known if her people were planning a vacation. But I’ve had that sort of yes, your highness cat, and never regretted it.
I move along to meet Snuggie and Lentil, two more dainty sweet girls. Hoping their princes, or at least mellow people who need a new friend, will come by.
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