Right off the bat, a guy comes up with a short list of cats he wants to see. He’s done quite a bit of research on cats in general and ours in particular, and has narrowed his criteria to young adult male black cats. We head to hallway 6 to meet Shogun. As we all get acquainted, the man asks if I think the cats pick their people or people choose the cat. I have no definitive answer – I feel like I’ve witnessed both. (Although I’m quite positive that my Muppy did single me out.)
As we sit with the second cat, pretty, shy and sleek Molto Bene, the guy declares firmly and happily that this is his cat. I direct him to the front to complete the adoption, and he’s pleased with how fast the whole thing is proceeding. In general, I think people should take awhile in making a big decision like this. But the dude seems very much a person who lines up all his facts then acts decisively.
I head over to visit my sweet friend Beatrice, also all black but female, not in contention. That’s ok – her ideal person would be someone who’s home a lot and sitting on the couch. She can’t get enough lap time. She curls up on mine and rolls her head around, seeming to smile, as I pet her. When my attention lapses toward visitors in the hall, she noses my arm politely. Her purr is barely audible, but her pleasure is evident.
I move on and meet a new kitty, Dixie, a shy and petite 8 year old Siamese mix. Her looks are striking and unusual – blue eyes, traces of orange and brown tabby on her face and paws. She’s shy at first, but steps daintily onto my lap as I stroke her soft fur. She curls there, purring and drooling a bit. She deigns to nibble on some kibble from my lap, and I regret having to nudge her aside to end my visit.
Sometimes it’s hard to say who’s leading in the whole dance of cats and their people/people and their cats. There’s you, there’s the cat, and then there’s the bond between you that develops over time, so much more complex than the first joy of meeting each other. With its quirks and complications, just like human to human relationships. Simple at its core but also layered and nuanced. But definitely worth it.